The GRACE Academy
Welcome to my ever-growing repository of self-directed online course, programs and resources. Here you will find a range of courses designed to introduce you to your “self” and to learn how to build a new internal relationship that is nourishing and driven by curiosity and empathy for self.
This course suite will have two core streams; self-development and learning design. Within each stream there are options to dive deep or simply dip your toe in. I hope that these courses facilitate your growth and ignite a passion and curiosity in all aspects of your life.
I invite you to check out my courses: Learning Design For the soulful business & Part 1 : The self,
and my reflective programs: 12 week reset and Life Review.
Learning Design for The Soulful Business
Are you ready to create your offering to the world?
This is a process that I have created to walk you through the journey of creating your own course or workshop. In working through this course you will create an inspired, soul-filled offering that is comprehensively planned. This process considers course design in a unique way that includes energetics, belief deconstructions, visualisations and more. This is a process for the soulful person looking to create a truly magic offering.
The Self; Part 1.
You are so worth getting to know.
This is Part 1 of two courses that have been designed to allow you insight and understanding into why you are the way you are. Building a relationship with your-self is one of the most valuable things that you can do in this lifetime. You are with you for life, so why not treat that relationship with a bit of love and understanding.
This is a self-paced online course that marks the beginning of your journey within. This gentle and direct course introduces the concepts within the “self” and how to live your life more consciously aligned to your core values and authenticity. This course has been designed in such a way that you are able to consider the theoretical concepts by way of supporting self-inquiry questions, storytelling and further resources. This forms Part 1 of 2 courses that I deem to be the foundational concepts within re-building a more balanced relationship with your internal experience.
This course has been designed as predominantly text based; this has been done intentionally to facilitate you creating active space to sit with yourself and the content.
Self-paced, self-directed programs designed to provide you insight into your beliefs and routines.
12 week reset
Start out with my self-directed 12 week reset. Designed to help you find a nourishing routine that supports you and the life you would love to live. This is a light touch program with scaffolding for you to create your own movement, creativity and nutrition routines, alongside prompts for self-inquiry and exploration.
I’m always happy to answer any questions you have so feel free to touch base via email or Instagram if you’d like some support.
Cost : $9.99
Life Review
This program provides a framework covering the 10 core components of life through which you can get an accurate view of where you are, where you’d like to be and how to bridge the gap between these two places.
This program is provided in PDF form so that you can print it off and really get into that journaling!
This program is centered on curiosity, so you can set aside the fear or judgement that can often come alongside self-inquiry.
Cost : $9.99